
Generate Leads Via Social Media

Create trending stories on Instagram & Facebook about your product and gain traction within the bill.

Deliver E-bills now

Why Bilzo Receipts?

We designed Bilzo to turn your receipts into repeats
Go Beyond traditional digital receipts experience with...


Promotions and Loyalty

Get most out of your current loyalty and promotions by putting them right below the bill


Feedback Management

Increase customer satisfaction by attaching feedback right in the receipt instead of a separate link.


Custom Integration

Giftcard / Warranties / Service Center can now dynamically added to the bill with Custom Integrations


Light, Fast & Secure

With our lightning fast integration, you can start seeing value within 1 day
and get the best insights about your customers.


Value For Money

Cheaper than expensive mediums like Paper/WhatsApp.

Environment Friendly

Environment Friendly

Reduce paper and save environment with the Bilzo e-bill platform.



Promote coupons for later purchases and notify customers when the coupons are about to expire.



Show love to your loyal customers with loyalty program . Exisiting system can be integrated with Bilzo.


Better Brand Engagement

Interactive call-to-action buttons to improve brand visibility with Social media marketing, Ratings, Feedback etc.


All-In-One App

With our powerful Bilzo app , we simplify the e-billing concept to customers and stores.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have SMS/Email integration in my POS, do I still need Bilzo?

Yes you do. By sending bills by SMS/Email you have taken a great first step towards paperless receipts, but the idea fails here. The idea to do Smart Receipts to have a continuous engagement channel available at all times with your customers.
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